Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
May 31, 2013

Firm Joins in Effort to Reopen 1986 Class Action Against Philadelphia School District

Philadelphia partner Paul Saint-Antoine and associate Chanda Miller were recently mentioned in a Pennsylvania Record article that highlighted their pro bono efforts to reopen a 1986 class action filed against the Philadelphia School District.  The lawsuit is aimed at ensuring that English as a Second Language (ESL) students and their parents receive the translation and interpretation services required by law.

Paul and Chanda, along with the Public Interest Law Center and the Education Law Center, moved on behalf of the plaintiffs to reopen the class action against the school district, based on allegations that the school district has failed to comply with the terms of a settlement of the original litigation.  As part of that settlement, the school district committed to providing certain translation and interpretation services during meetings with non-English speaking parents and in connection with special education documents.

The case was originally filed in 1986 by a teenage high school student, “Y.S.”, from Cambodia who alleged in in the class action complaint that he was identified and labeled as “mentally retarded” and in need of special education because school district officials failed to communicate with him in his native language.  Drinker attorneys and paralegals, including Harley Miller, assisted with the original proceedings.

To read the full article click here.