Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
March 29, 2013

Alumni Spotlight: Where Are They Now and How Did They Get There?

Alumni Spotlights: Stay informed and learn more about the personal and professional journeys of our alumni.

Our alumni have pursued diverse career paths and we are proud of their accomplishments. It's not always easy to keep current on the whereabouts and achievements of your former colleagues with whom you shared tough assignments, long days in the office, events and milestones. Read our alumni spotlights to find out what some of your fellow alumni have been up to and how their careers have progressed over the days, months and years since you worked together.

Interested in being featured in one of our alumni spotlights? Email alumni@faegredrinker.com or contact Abby Raanan at abby.raanan@faegredrinker.com; (215) 988-2687. We will continue to update our alumni spotlights periodically.