Insurer Mandates Key to E-Health Revolution, Experts Say
Chicago partner Jen Breuer was quoted in Law360 in an article on recent moves by lawmakers to introduce legislation that would require insurers, Medicare and Medicaid to pay for next-generation health care technologies, such as teleconferenced doctor visits and remote tracking of vital signs.
In the past three months, legislation has been introduced in 19 states and the District of Columbia that would require insurers or Medicaid to foot the bill for telecommunications care.
Telecommunications care has long been proclaimed as the wave of the future but has failed, so far, to gain widespread acceptance.
Jen commented that "states can't continue to ignore the fact that all these technologies are out there, and as always, technology is four or five steps ahead of the law."
Proposed mandates vary from state to state. Some would require full reimbursement parity for diagnoses performed digitally, others target niche services, such as autism treatment via webcam.
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