December 11, 2013
Drinker Biddle Noted in Above the Law Article
Drinker Biddle’s Bankruptcy & Corporate Restructuring Practice was recognized in an Above the Law article titled, “Biglaw’s Most Underrated Firms by Practice Area.”
Drinker Biddle was recognized, alongside Lowenstein Sandler and Baker Hostetler, in the bankruptcy practice area. The article looked at which firms’ practice groups are considered most “underrated” by peers in the field. The Insider Survey asked attorneys to nominate firms with underrated (and overrated) practices within the respondent’s own practice specialty.
To read the full article, please click here.
Drinker Biddle was recognized, alongside Lowenstein Sandler and Baker Hostetler, in the bankruptcy practice area. The article looked at which firms’ practice groups are considered most “underrated” by peers in the field. The Insider Survey asked attorneys to nominate firms with underrated (and overrated) practices within the respondent’s own practice specialty.
To read the full article, please click here.