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October 15, 2013

Drinker Biddle Launches TCPA Blog

With new FCC telemarketing rules taking effect tomorrow, Drinker Biddle has launched a blog dedicated to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”). The blog, www.tcpablog.com, will be a resource on all issues related to the TCPA, including explanations of the statute, regulatory updates and an analysis and coverage of TCPA filings and court decisions.

FCC rule changes take effect on Wednesday, October 16, further restricting telemarketing calls. These rule changes will almost certainly inspire yet another wave of TCPA class actions in the courts. According to Seamus Duffy – a class action defense lawyer and a senior contributor to the blog – the timing was right to launch a blog dedicated solely to TCPA issues.

“We have been working with our clients on these issues for years, and wanted to share our knowledge and experience with a wider audience,” Duffy said. “The TCPA and its implementing regulations create a complicated matrix of rules and limitations on telemarketing activity that are not at all intuitive. When you combine these rules with the provisions for statutory damages, you have the prospect of significant litigation risk for even innocent, hyper-technical violations. We thought it would be a good idea to create a blog for business people and lawyers who care about these issues.”

"The blog will distill and disseminate developments in TCPA law as they happen in real time," said Michael Daly, another senior contributor to the blog. "We are looking forward to sharing our insights and institutional knowledge with a larger audience and to creating what we hope will become a forum for friendly public discourse by thought leaders in this field."

Drinker Biddle lawyers, including Duffy, Daly and former Federal Communications Bar Association President Laura Phillips, will be blog contributors. The blog will benefit from the team’s experience handling TCPA litigation and compliance for some of the nation’s largest companies. In addition, many of the contributors already regularly write and speak about issues affecting class actions.

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