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September 26, 2012

CHBA and Faegre Baker Daniels to Celebrate the Achievements of Hon. Jimmie V. Reyna


Faegre Baker Daniels is proud to sponsor an upcoming CLE session and a reception celebrating the Honorable Jimmie V. Reyna, Circuit Judge, the first Latino appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. He was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Organized by the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association (CHBA), the CLE session, "Ethics and Professionalism—Is There a Difference?" is inspired by October as Legal Professionalism Month in Colorado. Judge Reyna will be a presenter, along with Cynthia Mares, assistant regulation counsel for the Colorado Supreme Court, CHBA president and president of the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association Region III, and Judge Teresa Fox of the Colorado Court of Appeals. The session will take place on October 4 at the Faegre Baker Daniels office in downtown Denver. A reception in honor of Judge Reyna will follow.

The Colorado Hispanic Bar Association serves the interests of the more than 500 Latino legal professionals in Colorado, as well as the broader Latino community. Through its committees, the CHBA provides scholarships to deserving students at the two state law schools, organizes continuing legal education workshops and networking events, and offers professional development opportunities for its members. CHBA's communications committee strives to keep members updated on job opportunities, networking events, and other community events. In keeping with the CHBA's proud history of advocacy, the organization also continues to lead the charge on public policy issues affecting the Latino community through its public policy committee.