Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
July 10, 2012

Fields, Pierson and Wildung Named Among Nation's Top Women Litigators

Leslie A. Fields, Andrea Roberts Pierson and Wendy J. Wildung, partners at Faegre Baker Daniels LLP, were named to the Top 250 Women in Litigation by Benchmark Litigation in 2012.

The inaugural Top 250 Women in Litigation publication recognizes female litigators for their achievements in the field. Honorees were selected from their respective states' rosters of litigation stars in the 2012 edition of parent publication Benchmark Litigation, which uses extensive client and peer interviews to identify top local litigators.

Top 250 Women in Litigation praised Fields as one of Colorado's leading energy litigators, calling her "an expert in domain law" who "has applied her knowledge in providing counsel to developers, pipeline and transmission line companies, municipalities and public service corporations." The publication cited her work on large-scale governmental undertakings such as the Colorado Convention Center and Denver International Airport, and her position as co-chair of the American Legal Institute Bar Association's Eminent Domain and Land Valuation conference. Peers have called Fields a "really talented lawyer," according to Top 250 Women in Litigation.

The publication described Pierson's work on general commercial and product liability issues, and noted that "much of her practice is devoted to life science matters, including defending pharmaceutical issues such as orthopedic devices, diabetes treatment products and female hormone replacement therapies." She has represented product manufacturers and sellers in more than 40 federal and state courts across the U.S. and in Canada and teaches both trial and deposition skills as an instructor for the National Institute of Trial Advocacy.

Top 250 Women in Litigation described Wildung's "vibrant appellate practice," trial work and focus on securities litigation, and listed retailers Gander Mountain and Target as representative clients. Wildung has handled more than 70 class actions and has tried more than 30 cases to conclusion in areas including securities, real estate transactions, franchising, insurance, lending, leasing and partnerships.

Benchmark Litigation is a U.S.-based publication that operates from the New York offices of Institutional Investor and Euromoney's Legal Media Group. For more information, visit www.benchmarklitigation.com.

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