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June 17, 2012

Ed Getz, Amy Lauricella Discuss Training Program in Chicago Lawyer Feature

Regional Partner in Charge of the Chicago Office Edwin A. Getz and associate Amy Lauricella were featured in a recent Chicago Lawyer magazine article, which discussed associate hiring trends throughout Illinois.

The article used the firm’s First Year Associate Development Program as an example of how the legal industry has changed since the 2008-2009 recession. Ed and Amy discussed the value the program has provided since its inception – both for associates and for clients.

Ed noted that the program was initially viewed as a response to clients voicing displeasure with having young, untrained lawyers billing on matters at fairly high rates. 

"Law students are trained to do well in law school and they're not really trained … in the practical aspects of lawyering,"  Ed said.

"And a significant part of what this program is doing is just that: To really educate lawyers who have been taught in law school to think in certain analytical ways to apply those analytical skills to practical problems." 

Amy noted there are advantages for associates, too. 

In addition to learning the practical aspects of lawyering, Amy said the program also introduced her to partners from all practice groups – making it easier for her to have questions answered.

“Walking around the halls now … I don’t see a face that I’m not familiar with,” she said.