Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
March 15, 2012

J. Murray Clark Appointed Chair of Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee

Faegre Baker Daniels is pleased to announce that on March 14, J. Murray Clark, a partner in the firm's Indianapolis office, was appointed by Mayor Greg Ballard to chair the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee (GIPC). Clark, who has served on the GIPC board since 2007 and on its executive committee since January 2010, also chairs GIPC's Charles L. Whistler Award Committee.

"Murray Clark's proven track record building collaborations and his years of effective leadership experience demonstrate his capacity for presiding over this entity focused on creating and nurturing public-private partnerships," said Mayor Ballard. "I look forward to working with Murray in this new capacity."

As an advisory arm to the mayor, GIPC provides a forum in which leaders of the public and private sector in Indianapolis can work as partners to study and address the issues and areas of opportunity that affect the progress of the city. GIPC routinely facilitates dozens of public initiatives that operate primarily or entirely on private funding, including citywide programs focused on infrastructure, financial fitness, community and neighborhood development, economic development and cultural diversity.

Clark succeeds Deborah Daniels, a partner at the Krieg DeVault law firm, who has served as the progress committee's chairwoman since her appointment to the committee's board by in 2008.

"I am extraordinarily excited and honored to become GIPC's Chairman," Clark said. "Since its inception in 1965, the collaborative efforts of GIPC to create meaningful bipartisan alliances and public-private partnerships have played a vital role in the remarkable growth and successes of the City of Indianapolis. I anxiously await the next big challenge in moving this great city forward with the assistance of GIPC, and in helping build on GIPC's remarkable legacy of leadership most recently exhibited by my predecessor and good friend Deborah Daniels."