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July 24, 2009

Debra Lappin to Serve in Leadership of the Council for American Medical Innovation

WASHINGTON, D.C. — B&D Consulting is pleased to announce that the Council for American Medical Innovation has retained Debra R. Lappin, a nationally recognized strategist with the firm's health and life sciences practice, to serve as its President.

Lappin brings more than two decades of experience in health and science policy to the engagement after also having led a major patient advocacy organization and held senior advisory roles with the Directors of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She will provide leadership to the Council for American Medical Innovation while continuing to serve as a Senior Vice President with B&D Consulting.

"I look forward to working with the members of the Council for American Medical Innovation to inform important audiences and lawmakers about the need for policies that are more supportive of research discovery, translation and innovation," said Lappin. "America benefits tremendously from its leadership position in medical innovation and the life sciences, but we are at risk of losing our edge to countries that have made innovation a priority. If we are to compete in the future, we must create an environment that supports medical innovation today. I am eager to work with some of the country's best and brightest minds as we identify effective ways to move forward."

"Debra Lappin has outstanding credentials, and we look forward to her direction and ideas," said Richard Gephardt, Chairman of the Council for American Medical Innovation. "America's future prosperity and health will largely depend on maintaining a lead role in scientific, technological and medical innovation, and Ms. Lappin's experience generating support for federal policies to improve health and science in the U.S. will help the Council meet its important goals."

The former National Chair of the Arthritis Foundation, Lappin served on or led multiple high-profile projects focused on health policy, including the National Academy of Sciences' Committee on the Organizational Structure of the NIH and the CDC's National Partners Task Force on the agency's Health Protection Goals. She also sits on the Board of Research!America.

"Thanks to Debra's record of accomplishment in promoting science, translational research and health policy, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to include the Council's mission in our diverse and growing work," said Ed Dougherty, chair of the B&D Consulting health and life sciences practice. "We are excited to have this opportunity to deploy the expertise of Debra, as well as other members of our multidisciplinary team, while serving the Council."

About the Council for American Medical Innovation

The United States faces serious challenges to maintaining its leadership position in innovation. The Council for American Medical Innovation is bringing together leaders in research, medicine, public health, academia, education, labor and business, who are working in partnership toward a national policy agenda aimed at preserving U.S. leadership in medical innovation. American medical innovators create millions of high-paying jobs, and their discoveries are integral in the fight to cure cancer and other illnesses. The Council for American Medical Innovation views leadership in medical innovation as a key part of America's economic recovery, future prosperity and health.

About B&D Consulting

B&D Consulting is a national advisory and advocacy firm based in Washington, D.C. since 1985. The firm's professionals serve clients across key sectors, advancing their objectives within increasingly complex policy environments. Whether developing a business or advancing a mission, the B&D Consulting team has the multi-faceted skills to help clients succeed. B&D Consulting is a division of Baker & Daniels LLP, an international law firm with offices in Indiana, Chicago, Washington, D.C. and Beijing. For more information about B&D Consulting or Baker & Daniels, visit www.bakerdconsulting.com or www.bakerdaniels.com.

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