Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
June 30, 2009

David Barrett Assumes Chairmanship of The Villages' Board of Directors

Baker & Daniels partner David W. Barrett has been appointed Chairman of The Villages of Indiana's Board of Directors. He has been on the Board for five years and a member of the Executive Committee for the last two years. The Villages is the largest child and family services not-for-profit agency in Indiana.

Barrett chairs Baker & Daniels' business and corporate finance group and concentrates his legal practice in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, general business matters, private placements, corporate governance, franchising and a wide variety of other complex transactions.

In addition to his involvement with The Villages, Barrett is Chair of the budget and finance team at New Hope Presbyterian Church. He previously sat on the Hamilton County United Way's Advisory Board for six years and chaired the Hamilton County United Way campaign for two of those years.

"Community involvement has always been very important to me. I particularly have a passion for organizations that focus on children and families," said Barrett. "I'm honored to assume this new post with The Villages, an organization that enjoys both statewide and national respect. I look forward to doing my part to positively affect children's lives throughout Indiana."


The Villages is Indiana's largest child and family services nonprofit agency, serving more than  1,400 children and their families daily. As the state's largest therapeutic foster care provider, The Villages offers a statewide continuum of care that addresses the needs of abused, neglected and abandoned children. For more information, call 317.273.7575 or visit www.villageskids.org.