Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership | This website contains attorney advertising.
July 25, 2006

Who's Who in Black Indianapolis Lists Three Baker & Daniels Lawyers

Three Baker & Daniels LLP lawyers have been recognized in Who's Who in Black Indianapolis for dedication to their career and devotion to their community. Honored in "Indianapolis' Most Influential" category during a special reception July 20 in Downtown Indianapolis were:

  • Sandra Leek, who focuses her practice on labor and employment law, diversity issues, and minority and women business owners. Outside the office, she serves on the Executive Council for the Race Relations Leadership Network of Indianapolis, co-chairs the Diversity Task Force of the Indianapolis Bar Association and is a director of Indiana Legal Services, Inc. Leek also was Executive Director of the Indiana Civil Rights Commission for 13 years.
  • Byron Mason, who practices in the litigation of commercial, product liability and employment matters. He serves on the Executive Board for the Indiana Sports Corporation and Board of Directors for Community Hospitals of Indianapolis. Mason is a former president of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis and a past executive board member of Goodwill Industries and United Way, both of Central Indiana, and the Indiana Special Olympics.
  • Joseph Smith, who focuses his law practice in government affairs, as well as legal advice and direction to small, minority-owned and women-owned businesses. He volunteers as a tutor at Indianapolis Public School 39 and serves on the board for Lighthouse Academics, a charter school creating new educational choices for students. A community coalition that Smith founded provides guidance to young minority professionals in preparing for community service or politics.

Who's Who in Black Indianapolis is a publication that seeks to celebrate the achievements of African-American men and women who have made their mark in specific occupations, professions or service to others in the Indianapolis community. The book, which features biographical data and pictures, is produced in 14 metropolitan cities, including Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Louisville and St. Louis, and two specific positions (judges and mayors).