January 28, 2022

Erica MacDonald Comments on Judge Wilhelmina Wright as Potential SCOTUS Candidate With The Star Tribune

In an article by The Star Tribune, business litigation partner Erica MacDonald discussed how Minnesota U.S. District Court Judge Wilhelmina “Mimi” Wright might be a possible U.S. Supreme Court candidate to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer.

According to the publication, MacDonald, a former U.S. attorney, first met Wright when she was a federal prosecutor, and MacDonald lauded Wright as among the most prepared jurists she’s seen, saying Wright often “knows the case just as well as the attorneys” each time she takes the bench.

“She is eminently qualified for anything that is in store for her,” MacDonald said. She added that it would “be terrific if she was on the Supreme Court” or “on the Eighth Circuit.” MacDonald concluded that Wright would “be a stellar addition to either bench.”

The full article is available for Star Tribune subscribers.

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