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September 06, 2013

Bennett Borden and Jay Brudz Mentioned in The eDislcosure Information Project

Washington, D.C., partners Bennett Borden and Jay Brudz were mentioned in an eDisclosure Information Project article titled, “Information Governance: The Way the Wind is Blowing.”

Almost all things that are seen as problems in litigation, or in a regulatory or an investigations context, spring from the volume of information companies keep, for which many of them have no plans. It costs them a fortune in storage, security and management, in eDiscovery obligations that strike them from time to time, and because of the lost value tied up in information that no one can ever find.

Many of the companies known primarily as providers of eDiscovery solutions are paying closer attention to the vast data stores which lie at the root of the eDiscovery problems.

When it comes to mitigating risk in relation to electronically stored information (ESI), many companies dismiss these risks as a luxury they cannot afford in hard times.

The article notes that, although there are very few firms that offer eDiscovery services, Drinker Biddle has set up a subsidiary company devoted to the information governance and eDiscovery requirements of its clients. Bennett and Jay were recently recruited to lead this department. While they come from eDiscovery backgrounds, Bennett and Jay are in fact very different from most eDiscovery attorneys. While at Drinker, their primary focus is on proactive advice designed to help clients reduce both cost and risk by the implementation of information governance programs.

To read the entire article, click here.